Monday, November 29, 2010

Reptile Room - Under Construction

For those of you wondering what is happening behind the closed door of the reptile room.... displays are currently being put together. They demonstrate the uses of the broad range of URS products that we stock. We aim to inspire our customers! Here pictured is a Tall Giant, the biggest of URS Terrariums. There will be 3 large tanks and many smaller displays each one of them available to be purchased as a package.

If you would like to know how this was created, and how you too can have a set-up like this in your own home come into our store and have a look at this, a staff member can go through how it was created and what you need to create your own terrarium masterpiece.

Interesting fact:

We used 50kgs of sand in this tank!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Treating Fleas & Ticks

Lets go through the flea products out there because there are quite a few and it can all get quite confusing.

Remember to always read the manufacturer's instructions and warnings according to the packaging or any inclosed or provided safety sheets.

Comfortis (for Dogs)

One of the newer products on the market in the realm of flea treatment is Comfortis. They are Chewable Tablets that can be administered once a month to dogs over 14 weeks of age.

Treats: Fleas

 Capstar (For Dogs and Cats)

Capstar works as a fast acting knockdown of Adult fleas. Tablet form, given when fleas are evident on the pet. Can be used on Kittens or Puppies from 4 weeks of age. Works almost instantly!

Treats: Adult Fleas

Advantage (For Dogs & Cats)

Advantage is part of the Bayer Animal Health Range that includes Advantage, Advocate and Advantix. It is a monthly application hthat can be used for treatment and prevention that is applied externally according ot instructions.

Treats: Fleas, Flea larve and Lice (treats Lice for Dogs only)

Advocate (For Dogs & Cats)

Advocate is used for treatment and prevention of the things listed bellow. It is applied externally once a month.

Prevents: Heartworm
Treats: Intestinal worms & Intestinal worm Larvae, Fleas & Flea Larve, Earmites, Lice (Dogs only), Sarcopic Mange (Dogs only) 

Advantix (For Dogs)

- Controls ticks including the paralysis tick, brown dog tick and bush tick. Both repels and kills Ticks.

-The treatment and prevention of Fleas & Flea Larve

- The control of Lice for up to 6 weeks

- Repels and Kills Mosquitoes and Sandflies


Ultrasonic electronic pulses repel ticks. Ticking sound indicates the device is working, water resistant in fresh water. Can be used safely in conjunction with other treatments.Guaranteed 3 months from date of purchase.

Treats: Ticks

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bella's Story - A rescued Toy Poodle

Kelly who is our onsite groomer every week walked into the shop today today and as she did I noticed a small white poodle at her feet, 1 step behind where ever Kelly went. The poodle, Bella, had only been with her for one month and her story was a heartbreaking one.
Bella had been rescued from a burning house by firemen as the family had fled without being able to take her with them. She was put into the yard of the house for the owners but they never returned for her.

It amazes me that such a small dog with such a small lung capacity has not only survived the ordeal but survived without needing any ongoing treatments and has found a loving family. Poodles are very forgiving and despite their backgrounds in most cases are still to be found affectionate, loving and gentle dogs. Bella is in our store today while Kelly grooms the other dogs. She comes over to custmoers and staff for a pat and loves nothing more than to be held. She gives kisses to anyone who will have them.

We beg of our customers and to the public to have a look at the dogs in your local rescues if you are looking for a dog. Often dogs that are found in the rescues are not only thoroughbred but also puppies or young dogs. Most importantly their temperments in my experience are those of heartbreaking unconditional love and not of aggressive dogs. The images that people have of what rescue dogs are, are more often than not, completely wrong.

If you are interested in giving a rescue dog a forever loving home you can visit: 

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Top 10 tips to choose the right pet for your family

Top 10 tips to choose the right pet for your family:
The decision to buy a pet is usually an easy one, but problems can arise when it comes to choosing what type of pet – dog or cat, large or small, active or laid back. To help prospective pet owners make this important decision the right one Dr Righetti, PURINA’s resident animal behaviourist, shares her top ten tips.
  1. Time – A pet requires a lot of your time and interaction, whether it is for grooming, daily exercise or general care. Working long hours isn’t ideal, as dogs need so much attention and exercise. Cats can be pretty self-sufficient but if left alone for long periods will tend to demand attention when you are home.
  2. Energy – Choose a pet the matches your energy levels. Some pet owners imagine their new pet will improve their fitness levels. (“I got a border Collie to force me jogging”. Result = still unfit owner and bored, neurotic dog!)
  3. Finances – Pets are expensive. Most people only consider the initial purchase. This is a fraction of the total cost. Can you afford vet care, holiday care, day to day items such as food, flea medication etc?
  4. Space – The quality of interaction with you is more important to your pet than the size of your garden. Dogs can live in very small spaces, provided they receive adequate exercise and interaction. A large backyard will not guarantee a happy pet if they are left to entertain themselves all day.
  5. Experience – Some animals are better for beginners that others. Test drive a friend’s pet to see if the particular species and breed matches your expectations. Gain knowledge by reading books, browsing websites and ask experts about the pet you are considering.
  6. Other family members – Your choice of pet may not suit everyone in your family. Perhaps you have always wanted a Great Dane but your husband has his eye on a Chihuahua, or a family member has a nasty cat allergy. While the kitten may seem cute, having a sneezing a coughing child is not.
  7. Other Pets – Consider any pets you have and how they are likely to greet a newcomer into the family. When you are selecting a new pet, if possible try introductions on neutral territory first, and remember not all animals of he same species get along!
  8. Stage of life – Consider the point in life that you are at right now. Does a pet fit your lifestyle and life stage? Do you have young children and are consequently time poor? Many breeders do not let their pets go to families with children under 5 to ensure that you will have time to dedicate to your new pet.
  9. Your expectations – Are you realistic about your expectation for life with a new pet? Do you have enough time, money and commitment? Will you solve any problems if they arise? Is the pet being acquired for ulterior motives rather than love and affection eg. Status, fashion?   
  10. Which pet – If you have considered all of the above and you still want a pet, now is the time to decide which type. You may already on one particular species or breed, or you may reconsider your choices after reading this. A researched decision is a good one, even if that decision results in putting off your acquisition for a while. Check out Purina’s online Breed Selector Program at for professional help.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Black Australorp

The black Australorp is an Australian breed of chicken. They are calm, friendly and consistent layers of light brown eggs. The Australorp's exceptionally soft, shiny black feathers have hints of green and purple in the sunlight.

During their development this breed was originally referred to as Black Utility Orpingtons.

Monday, November 8, 2010

7th of November Event

Such a great day. Thankyou to all that came along to our free seminar.

We will be holding another free event in the next few weeks, keep checking back to find out more.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Chris the Natural Balance Dog Whisperer is coming to The Petshop Boyz

Every man (and woman!) and his (or her) dog is welcome to join us for what will not only be a fun morning but one that could have you walking away with skills to solve your obedience problems. The seminar will be held at The Petshop Boyz Warners Bay on the 7th of November.

For more information regarding Chris the Natural Balance Dog Whisperer please visit:

4/44 Medcalf St,
Warners Bay,
NSW 2282 

For More information call: 49542266

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Welcome to The Petshop Boyz Blog

So far in 2010:

We've opened up a second store in Warners Bay.

We've also changed our logo and transformed different aspects of The Petshop Boyz to meet with an ever changing world.

Everything goes so fast and 2010 has been a blur but we've had some great moments and there are still a few more to come before we say hello to 2011.

Why start a blog? Its provides yet another form of communication in this technology age and gives us a place to do more of an insite into the store, everything can be in one place including announcements of events, care articles and general news staff feel worth mentioning. During our days here we are constantly learning not only new interesting facts regarding different animals but we also get to hear stories from our customers and we have to say that they are definately one of the biggest highlights of working in this industry.