Friday, March 11, 2011

Setting An Example in Animal Care

We pride ourselves in our animal care. None of the staff here can stand to see an animal neglected or mistreated which we see alot in other stores. We would like to take this time to thank all of the lovely customers who do praise us for the effort we put into the cleanliness and care routines that revolve around our animals. It's really positive for us to hear that our efforts are noticed. We have been approached by 3 different TAFE campuses to take students around our store in the past month.

We put animal care before convenience. I think this is important for all pet shops to take into consideration. Any animal under the care of a pet store should not suffer because it's needs are inconvenient. The same as a pet owner should not purchase a pet without knowing and fully understanding that animals needs.

We hope to set an example to not only the public but also to other stores. By doing this, we can really make a difference to the future.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Nootie Shampoos & Spritz


The NEW Nootie range of Shampoos and Spritz at our mayfield store smell FANTASTIC! Don't take our word for it come and have a smell, the only problem you will have deciding is which one to get. There's a shampoo in the top for your weekly washing and a spritz in the bottom for keeping those doggy smells at bay. Thi is especially handy for dogs who are kept inside the house.